College is a time for self-exploration and personal growth.  Student affairs professionals must provide students with the necessary support they need for the challenges they will face (Sanford, 1966). They must also create safe and inclusive environment that challenges students and promotes personal growth, attainment of educational goals, and life-long learning. 


Student affairs professionals can play an important role as a mentor in students’ lives and guide students toward self-authorship (Baxter Magolda, 1999).   While students will make their own decisions and will need to take responsibility for their actions, student affairs professionals can empower them to make the choices that are right for them and ask the tough questions that can help them see things from another lens.


By providing a safe and inclusive environment student affairs professionals can minimize harm and encourage self-exploration without making an individual feel excluded.  In order to build community and promote learning, students must feel like they matter (Schlossberg, 1989).  Student affairs professionals must be advocates for all students and be aware of the diverse needs of the student populations they will encounter.  Individual diversity development among campus community members, including student affairs professionals must occur in order to value differences in ourselves and others (Chavez, DiBrito & Mallory, 2003).


Student affairs professionals must always look out for the best interest of the student physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.  This holistic approach to student learning and development is supported by Learning Reconsidered (2004).  Student affairs professionals can have a significant impact in the lives of their students.  This responsibility should not be taken lightly.


Baxter Magolda, M.B. (1999).  Creating contexts for learning and self-authorship: Constructive-developmental

pedagogy.  Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.


Chavez, A.F., Guido-DiBrito, F., & S.L. Mallory.  (2003).  Learning to value the “other”: A framework of individual diversity development.  Journal of College Student Development, 44, (4), 453-468.


NASPA/ACPA. (2004).  Learning Reconsidered:  A campus-wide focus on the student experience.  Published by NASPA. 


Sanford, N.  (1966).  As cited in Komives, S.R., Woodard, D.B, & Associates (2003).  Student services:  A handbook for profession.  4th Edition.  Jossey-Bass.


Schlossberg, N.K. (1989).  Marginality and mattering:  Key issues in building community.  In D.C. Roberts (Ed.), Designing campus activities to foster a sense of community (New Directions for Student Services No. 48, pp.5-15).  San Francisco:  Jossey- Bass.

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