Graduates should possess a broad understanding of the legal foundations and constraints which affect College Student Affairs practice. Specifically, students should possess:
- an understanding of the federal and state regulatory environments in which institutions of higher education operate;
- an understanding of the major constitutional issues involved in college student affairs administration;
- an understanding of the basic liability and contractual issues involved in college student affairs practice.
Disability and the Law Seminar
In the legal issues class, I created a Disability and the Law seminar that could be used to inform university staff about the American with Disabilities act and how it applies to their current positions. Some of the information from my seminar was utilized in a presentation in a professional development conference by a co-worker of mine, Mary Tregoning. Click here to see the disability and law powerpoint. Click here to view the Disability Law PowerPoint.
Risk Management and Liability Concerns
Managing Contracts
My current job responsibilities include negotiating and creating contracts with outside vendors and artists for numerous events. Under the Residence Life policy, we are not allowed to sign other vendors contracts but vendors must sign the university agreements. During my time working at the Barn, I noticed that the agents of the bands we hire are hesitant to sign the university agreements due to some of the clauses included. While our agreements are intended to look out for the best interest of the university, it is also important that the other party accepts these terms. For this reason, I worked with the university contact who draws up the university agreements to create an agreement for Barn events only and an amendment to the contract when performers do not fulfill the contract.