Graduates should possess an understanding of and appreciation for the dynamics involved in utilizing financial resources in the implementation of student affairs programs and services. Specifically, students should be able to:

  • develop and defend a budget to support a student affairs program;

  • perform all of the functions necessary to access and manage those resources which have been dedicated to a student affairs program.


Barn Event Series Budget


I have the responsibility of creating and managing an annual budget for Barn Event Series that includes costs for artists, sound operation, security, marketing and other related costs.  In addition, I am responsible for negotiating contracts with vendors and ensuring that students are not overspending on performers.  I also work closely with the accounting departments of dining and housing services to ensure that costs are being appropriately charged and match my records.  

Residence Hall Large Scale Program Budget


I currently manage and track a large-scale programming budget that pulls funds from three different residence hall buildings.  I make sure to send copies of funding requests to buildings so they can keep track of money spent from their budgets.  The large scale programs can range anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000.   

Welcome Week Budget


In the fall quarter of 2008, I managed a welcome week budget of $24,000 with allocated funds from residential and apartment buildings.  Expenses for welcome week included guest speakers, entertainment, transportation, and marketing materials.  In 2009, the welcome week budget decreased due to cuts in the programming budget.  I was able to manage the decrease in budget by re-evaluating the number of programs taking place and utilizing resources and materials from previous years.


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